Do you know of any fraudulent activity related to deceiving investors? Your information may be valuable. Learn how to potentially secure a reward.

Of all whistleblower protection provisions, the SEC whistleblower program established by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act contains some of the strongest. There are numerous types of improper acts that give rise to an SEC whistleblower claim, including corporate fraud, insider trading and theft of funds.

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission, or the SEC, is responsible for ensuring that the securities markets are fair and functioning, thus protecting investors from fraudulent activity within the market.

The SEC protects investors’ rights to market-related information, fair dealing, and honest practices. Become a whistleblower under this sector and report a violation of the federal securities law, and you’ll receive 10% to 30% of the money collected for any monetary sanctions exceeding $1 million.

The SEC has awarded over $500 million to over 100 different whistleblowers since the inception of the program in 2012. A majority of those payments in the last few years as the program has gained acceptance.

SEC whistleblowers may report fraud anonymously only if represented by Council. The Dodd-Frank Act specifically directs the SEC to keep the identity confidential.

If you think you have actionable information then contact us for a free and confidential consultation.
