Are you aware of any fraudulent activity that is resulting in monetary loss to the government? Reporting can help enforce the False Claims Act.

The False Claim Act is a federal law that makes it a crime for any person or organization to knowingly make a false record or file a false claim regarding any federal health care program, which includes any plan or program that provides health benefits such as Medicare, Medicaid or Tricare.

Whistleblower Protection Under the False Claims Act:
The federal False Claims Act protects employees who report a violation under the False Claims Act from discrimination, harassment, suspension, or termination of employment as a result of reporting possible fraud. Employees who report fraud and consequently suffer discrimination may be awarded (1) two times their back pay plus interest, (2) reinstatement of their position without loss of seniority, and (3) compensation for any costs or damages they incurred.

False Claims Plaintiff or Relator:
An individual (called a false claims plaintiff or relator) who is an original source of information, can sue for violations of the False Claims Act. Under the Federal False Claims Act, a relator can receive between 15-25% of the total amount recovered if the government prosecutes.
