Reporting fraud can possibly be the most rewarding action an individual can take from both an integrity and monetary standpoint. Whistleblowers are able to report violations of laws, any threat to public interest or national security, and more. In 2018 alone, $312 million was paid out to Whistleblowers around the nation. If you suspect that your employer, former employer, or any organization is committing fraud or wrongdoing, becoming a whistleblower may be for you.
Here at the Daniel J. Ocasio Whistleblower Law Group, we firmly believe in doing what is right. Our experienced team of Whistleblower Experts consists of:
Our stats:
On top of all of the above, we have vast experience in many industries.
As fraud becomes more widespread in our society, we apply our expertise across many industries. Here are some of the more prevalent industries for scams to occur.
Here at DJO Law Group, our knowledgeable attorneys and investigators have had enormous success within the following whistleblower programs. Click below to learn about each whistleblower program.